Links to Sites who have won my Awards

Serena & The Scouts Cosmic Power
This is a great Site. It won my Award for a Powerful Site
The Senshi Kingdom
This is a beautiful Site, and won just that, my Award for a Beautiful Site

Sailor Moon Related Sites

S.O.S. Home page
The SOS is a great Site, They're also determined to get the Sailor Moon S and SS series to the States!
Cindy and Jill's WereDen
This is my other Page, it's not devoted strictly to Sailor Moon, but she is in the Fan-Fics. . . Check them out!
This is one of the ULTIMATE Sailor Moon Sites. They have the Best Library!!!!! the official Sailor Moon Page
I've only been here a couple of times, but it's really Kewl
The Mystical Sailor Moon Galaxy Club, another Club I belong to
Eternal Moonlight Club
You guessed it another Club I'm in *S*
Joy's Japanimation
A great place to buy Sailor Moon stuff
The Coolest Sailor Moon Products Site on Earth
Another great place to buy Sailor Moon stuff
Super Sailor Moon
They gave me my first award, aren't they nice *S*
Sailor Moon Links, the difinitive Sailor Moon Link Resource
An EXCELLANT grouping of sailormoon sites, one of the best directories in existance.
Okami Kreations
Anime/Manga/Cosplay Accessories and More!! *FEATURED SITE*

Links unrelated to Sailormoon but KEWL none-the-less

you asked for it... you got it.. A SECTION ON ME!!!!
For some reason, you people wanted to know about me. . . go figure *S*
Daniel's First Homepage
My Brother's tribute to "his crappy school" It's really funny..check it out
A great Search Engine, it checks out ALL the other ones for you. . .
Iname, free E-mail
one of my many E-Mail providers
get your own yahoo account
Click here to get free E-mail and personlized startup's KEWL
Hayley...A girl of many identities
My friend "GOMH"s Homepage
Gossip and news from my chat room on my friend Angie's page.
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Another friends page *S*
Welcome To Silent Hill
Komodo's Page
Abbie's homepage
This is my sister's page and it has really cute pictures of my nephew on it

Link Exchange

If you want to get your link posted here all you have to do is E-mail me the link and add me to your list. I will check to see if it's there. . . it's not fair for me to add you and you not to add me *S*