Senshi Profiles

Hi Everyone, I finally had the information I needed to get these done (or almost done, I still need more info on Chibi-Moon). I got ALOT of this information out of the NEW Sailor Moon RPG, I just thought I'd give credit where credit is due. But I also got some of it from other pages, and me watching the show. The Sailor Moon RPG is REALLY KEWL by the way, if you are interested in RPG's you should definatly order it. (there is a full report on it at the SOS Homepage, linked to my starting page). Well, on with the Profiles ^_^

Inner Senshi

Sailor Moon
Finished 3/21/99
Sailor Mercury
Finished 3/22/99
Sailor Mars
Finished 3/22/99
Sailor Jupiter
Finished 3/23/99
Sailor Venus
Finished 3/23/99
Sailor Chibi-Moon
Finished 3/23/99
Tuxedo Mask
Finished 3/23/99

Outer Senshi

Sailor Pluto
Finished 3/23/99
Sailor Saturn
Finished 3/24/99
Sailor Neptune
Finished 3/24/99
Sailor Uranus
Finished 3/24/99

Star Senshi

Sailor Star Fighter
Finished 3/24/99
Sailor Star Maker
Finished 3/24/99
Sailor Star Healer
Finished 3/24/99

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